Server Updates!!

Our pve supporter tier store is now active as well as the gsa panel for payers to connect to!
-Our Website:
-Pve Store:

I've also completed the f2 wshop and f3 token shop for now although both will have more added to them overtime!

NEW HLNA store can now be accessed on ALL maps with the use of the HLNA skin

Supporter tiers have also had some buffs including all tiers having the points given, dino colour tokens given and shop discount %'s increased!

We have also updated our rules!

Please make sure you follow the link below to read and accept the server rules! 
Every player will be given a 5 hour trial period after which ends they must either accept the rules or they will be kicked from the server automatically!

And finally i just wanted to say Just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to every single one of you who are have helped continue the greatness in this community, seeing these numbers grow each day and get back to where we were before is a huge pleasure to me and i'm so grateful that we were able to give you all something to continue playing on when things went wrong, and an ESPECIALLY huge thank you to everyone who has donated almost $700 toward the server cost, purchasing plugins, extras' such as gsa and marketing. Without the support of you guys playing here we have nothing so thank you!!


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